Why Not Visit One Hundred Scenes of Shinagawa? Part 11
Hatanodai and Nakanobu Areas
This is the time of year when greenery is fresh and bright and taking a leisurely stroll is the most fun. This issue will cover relaxing spots located just a step away in the bustling city.
Hatanodai Fushimi Inari Jinja Shrine (5-15-2 Hatanodai)
From the South Exit of Hatanodai Station where the Oimachi Line and the Ikegami Line intersect, if you walk straight in front of Recycle Shop “Ribbon,” you will find a red “torii” shrine gate. If you proceed through the gate, you will find Hatanodai Fushimi Inari Jinja Shrine. Although it is a small shrine, it is protected by big ginko and “sudajii” castanopsis cuspidata trees (both of which are conservation trees designated by Shinagawa City). Locals like this area and keep it clean by raking the leaves all the time.

“Kanariya-zaka (Canary Slope)” (5 Hatanodai)
The slope from Ebara Dai-go Municipal Junior High School to Hatanodai Station is called “Kanariya-zaka (Canary Slope).” The slope got its name around 1955 when the Principal of Ebara Dai-go Junior High School consulted a pet shop owner midway along the slope. It is said that the name of the slope stuck because the Ebara Dai-go Junior High School students spread its popularity.
Horen-ji Temple (3-6-18 Hatanodai)
Horen-ji Temple is in front of Ebaramachi Station, while Hatagaoka Hachiman Jinja Shrine, which was mentioned in No. 3 of this series, is located to the north.
Horen-ji Temple has a peaceful atmosphere and was built during the Bun’ei Era (1264-74). The Japanese garden within the temple grounds lets you forget about the bustle of the city. Every year on October 16, a religious ceremony is conducted, and the temple is crowded with visitors. It is probably a good idea to visit the temple again around this time of year.

The Bustling Nakanobu Shopping Area (2 Higashi-Nakanobu and 3 Nakanobu)
The shopping area here is always lively. With rows of shops for vegetables, fresh fish and prepared foods located within an arcade, there are also street-side food vendors making the atmosphere like that of a festival. There is a flood of events such as the midyear sale in June, the Tanabata Star Festival decorations and the “asa-ichi” morning market (garage sale) in July.

Horen-ji Temple