I hope everyone is celebrating the New Year in the best of health.
To achieve Shinagawa City’s Basic Idea—the city planning policies that were established last year—the Long-Term Basic Plan will be launched in April of this year. Accordingly, 2009 will be a milestone year for the city administration and the year in which significant changes will be made to the organization of Shinagawa City Office.
Last year, I visited our friendship city of Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time. Through various exchange programs, I gained the opportunity to see our city from a different perspective.
Thus, I was able to recognize the inner strength of Shinagawa, which are as follows:
- Shinagawa’s geographical advantage of being the front door of the international city of Tokyo
- Shinagawa’s deep-rooted traditions and history
- The energy and determination of all Shinagawa residents
Together with all the residents of Shinagawa City, I hope to make the best use of these strengths and incorporate them into city planning programs so that the city will gain even greater prosperity.
“Shinagawa—Radiant smiles, a city we want to continue to live in” is the motto I am striving to make a reality by doing my utmost and firmly maintaining a balanced budget this year, and as always, I truly appreciate your support and understanding. |