The Number of Purse-Snatching Cases Is Growing!
There have been a growing number of crimes involving bags being snatched from people walking alone (particularly the elderly or women) and valuables being grabbed from the front basket of bicycles. In many cases, the thief makes the grab while riding a bicycle or motorcycle and overtaking the victim from behind. By learning about crime-prevention, we can help stop these incidents from happening.
Inquiries: Community Safety Subsection, Tel: 5742-6592

Shinagawa City's crime-prevention mascot, Shinabo
Beware of the Following Dangerous Situations!
• The elderly or women walking alone
• The hours between 6:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m., particularly between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m.
• Holding your purse toward the side of the street
• Talking or texting on your cell phone while walking
• Listening to music and shutting out sounds of your surroundings while walking
• Wearing shoes, such as high-heels, that are hard to run to chase after the purse-snatcher
• Placing your handbag in the front basket of your bicycle without using an anti-theft cover
Three Ways of Preventing Purse-Snatching
- If you hear a motorcycle approaching, turn around to check who is behind you. If you see the purse-snatcher's face, the thief will feel as if he/she has been identified even if wearing a helmet, and will likely give up.
- When walking along the street, be sure to carry your purse on the side toward buildings, rather than on the side toward the street.
- Attach an anti-theft cover to your bicycle's basket.
There are other ways of preventing crime, such as walking on streets that have guardrails separating the road from the walkway; carrying your purse by draping the shoulder strap across your back to the other side of your body; and having family members pick you up when you arrive home late. It is very important to take self-protection measures.

Use an anti-theft cover for your bicycle!