National Health Insurance Premiums for FY2013 Have Been Determined
National Health Insurance premiums for April 2013 through March 2014 are the sum of the basic portion (for medical treatment), latter-term elderly support portion, and Nursing Care Insurance premiums (for those between 40 and 64 years of age).
The per capita amount and insurance premium rates for income-based amounts are determined based on the amount of medical benefits covering medical expenses, the support portion for Latter-Term Elderly Medical Insurance, premiums paid by Type 2 members of Nursing Care Insurance, and other factors.
Annual Insurance Premium for a Household = (1) Basic Portion (for Medical Treatment) + (2) Latter-Term Elderly Support Portion + (3) Nursing Care Insurance Premiums
● Calculation Procedures

● FY2013 Payment Months and Calculation Period
The premiums for the year will be divided into 10 installments to be paid from June through March. No payments are to be made in April or May.
Mailed in June (already sent): Notification of the amount of premiums and five invoices (for June through October payments)
Mailed in mid-November: Five invoices (for November through March payments)
Note: The number of invoices enclosed with the notification varies, depending on the amount of premiums and the payment status. Please note that households that pay via account transfer will only receive notification of the premium amounts.
• If you have not completed an income report, please do so for the municipality in which you resided as of January 1. Insurance premiums cannot be reduced even if the incomes of all household members are low, unless each and every member of the household files an income report.
• If you moved into Shinagawa City on or after January 2, the City Office will contact the government of the municipality where you lived previously about your income. At first, you will be notified of the per capita amount only. Once your income has been confirmed, you will then be sent a notification of adjusted premiums.
● How to Pay National Health Insurance Premiums
1. Payment with Invoice
Please make your payment at a nearby bank, credit association/credit union, post offices (Japan Post Bank), any of the convenience stores written on the invoice, the Shinagawa City Office, or nearby community center.
2. Payment via Authorized Financial Accounts
Health insurance premiums can be withdrawn from your financial account automatically at the end of each month. To do so, please take your bankbook, personal seal for the account, and National Health Insurance premium notification or invoice, and complete the application procedures at the financial institution (including Japan Post Bank) where you have an account, the Shinagawa City Office, or a nearby community center.
3. Deduction of Premiums from the Head of the Household's Pension between 65 and 74 Years of Age
If all of the following conditions apply, then insurance premiums will be collected by special collection, i.e., by being deducted from his/her pension.
(1) If the head of the household is a National Health Insurance member
(2) If all the National Health Insurance members in the household are between 65 and 74 years of age
(3) If the annual pension amount that is eligible for special collection is ¥180,000 or more and the sum of National Health Insurance premiums and Nursing Care Insurance premiums does not exceed half of the pension amount
Note: If you started paying premiums by special collection last year or earlier, your FY2013 premiums have already been tentatively calculated and deducted from your pension in April and June. However, the tentative amounts may differ from the finally determined amounts, so the payments will be adjusted from the August installment. Even if you qualify for the special collection, if you apply to pay your premiums by automatic debit from your financial account every month your premiums will not be deducted from your pension.
Qualification Subsection, National Health Insurance and Pension Section, Tel:5742-6676
Collection Subsection, National Health Insurance and Pension Section, Tel: 5742-6678