The Individual Number System (the "My Number System" ) is a unique 12-digit number that will be issued to all individuals who possess a resident record, due to the introduction of a new system for the management of social security and taxation. It is planned that "Notification Cards" to inform qualified persons of their individual number shall be sent
out during the period late October to mid-December.
Inquiries: Individual Number Card Subsection, Family Registry and Residents Section
Tel: 5742-6658 |

●Using simple registered post (a transfer-prohibited postal item), " Notification Cards" shall be sent to the household address listed on an individual's resident record (as of October 5).
Whereby individuals are not at home, etc., when deliveries are made, a "delivery absence notice for items of mail, etc.," shall be left in their mail box, and as a rule, undelivered "Notification Cards" shall be retained by the post office for a period of seven days. During that time, individuals are requested to please make arrangements such as redeliveries, etc., to ensure they receive their "Notification Card". After this period of retention by the post office has lapsed, undelivered "Notification Cards" shall be returned to the city office.
●"Notification Cards" that have been returned to the city office may be picked up from the inquiry desk at City Office.
"Notification Cards" returned to the city office shall be retained for a period of three months. During that time, while possessing a proof of identity (a driver's license, a passport, etc.), individuals are requested to come and pick up their "Notification Card" from the Family Registry and Residents Section (Hon Chosha 3F).
●Inquiries regarding the sending of "Notification Cards" Individual Number Card Call Center
Tel: 0570-783-578 (Japanese)
Tel: 0570-064-738 (English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese) My Number Card Comprehensive Guide

●From January 2016, individuals may be issued with a "Individual Number Card" if they apply for it.
The"Individual Number Card" represents a formal means of identification by which the identity of an individual can be confirmed. It is expected that the card will be able to be used when making electronic applications such as those involving e-tax (the system for the electronic filing and payment of national taxes), etc. In order to apply, fill out the application form that accompanied the "Notification Card" and send it using the return envelope provided. Applications may also be completed by smartphone or personal computer by reading the barcode printed on the application form.
●General inquiries regarding the "My Number" system
Shinagawa My Number Call Center
Tel: 0570-66-6825
My Number Call Center (common nationwide navigation dial service)
Tel: 0570-20-0178 (Japanese)
Tel: 0570-20-0291 (English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese)
Homepage explaining the system (on the Cabinet Secretariat website)
Information provided in English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean,
Spanish and Portuguese.
Note: In addition, simple explanations are available in 21 other languages.