Shinagawa Historical Museum 30th Anniversary Special Exhibition: "Shinagawa-shuku on the Tokaido Road"
This exhibition highlights the townscapes, the scenery and the livelihood of residents, etc., of the flourishing Shinagawa-shuku. During Edo era, this post station was the first rest point for travelers departing Edo and traveling along the Tokaido towards Kyoto.
Date: October 11 (Sun.) to December 6 (Sun.), 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (admission by 4:30 p.m.)
Location: Shinagawa Historical Museum (6-11-1 Oi)
Tel: 3777-4060
Closed: Mondays (will be open November 23), will be closed on November 24 (Tue.)
Temporary Closures: December 8 (Tue.) to December 11 (Fri.) to allow for the exchanging of exhibits.
Admission: Adults: ¥300, Elementary and junior high school students: ¥100
How to get there:
・ Take a Tokyu bus from Oimachi Station bound for Ikegami Sta. or Kamata Sta., the museum is a 1-minute walk from the "Kashima Jinja-mae" bus stop
・ A 10-minute walk from the north exit of Omori Station along Ikegami-dori
・ A 13-minute walk from Tachiaigawa Station on the Keikyu Line
 A Guidebook Map of the Tokaido (Togai Benran Zuryaku) (Nagoya University Library)
A picture of the Shinagawa-shuku by Koriki Tanenobu, a samurai of the Owari domain, who traveled along the Tokaido