Let’s Learn about the “Countries” in Shinagawa!
Dober den! (Hello) Shinagawa
A Beautiful Country in Eastern Europe—The Republic of Macedonia |
Shinagawa City hosts embassies and consulates from sixteen countries. We introduce them in this series. In this issue we spotlight the Republic of Macedonia, which gained independence from the former Yugoslavia twenty-five years ago. Macedonia has a long history and numerous tourist sites to attract foreign travelers. We spoke with the Honorable Andrijana Cvetkovik, ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Japan, about the attractive qualities of her wonderful country.
Located on the Balkan Peninsula, Macedonia gained independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991. It is the birthplace of Mother Teresa. It has been part of the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and in recent years was tossed about by other countries. Perhaps for this reason, Macedonia’s people are very patient and gentle by nature. Part of their disposition is also found in the people of Japan.
The people of Macedonia love Japan, including me. I came to Japan in 2005 to study movies and earned a doctoral degree at Nihon University in 2009. There are many Macedonians who, like me, have a deep interest in Japan. When I held a special lecture on Japan at a university in Macedonia, for example, the hall was crowded with both students and professors. However, Macedonia is not a very familiar country to the people of Japan. Macedonia has many wonderful qualities, such as its noble history, traditions, culture and beautiful scenery. I hope all of you will become more acquainted with it. |
The Embassy of Japan in Skopje; opened in Macedonia in 2017
In October 2014, Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia moved to Shinagawa City. At that time, I visited the Shinagawa City Office and met Mayor Takeshi Hamano. I told him I felt very close to Japan, that I wanted to build a strong bond, and that I wanted to participate in community festivals and disaster preparedness drills. Last year I participated in the Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri.
In January this year, a Japanese embassy opened in Macedonia’s capital of Skopje. I hope we can build stronger ties with Shinagawa and a closer relationship between Japan and my country, which has potential as a land for tourism. |
A scene from Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri |
Let’s Learn Some Basic Facts about Macedonia!
Name: The Republic of Macedonia
Population: 2.08 million (as of 2015; based on World Bank data)
Area of land: 25,713 km2 (about two-thirds the size of Kyushu)
Capital: Skopje
Language: Macedonian, Albanian
Currency: Macedonian denar
Let’s Learn More about Macedonia
The capital city of Skopje is rich in history from ancient days. The city has both modern buildings and historical remants existing together in harmony. Having Muslim architecture blended in with European makes the distinctive cityscape. Lake Ohrid in the Ohrid region, a registered UNESCO Natural and Cultural Heritage site, is said to be the oldest lake in Europe and the deepest on the Balkan Peninsula. The area has a beautiful cityscape dotted with churches bearing traces of Byzantine art.
Traditional Wedding Attracts Tourists from All Over
A traditional wedding is held in the village called Galicnik—located in a mountain range about 150 kilometers from Skopje—around the mid-July holiday of Saint Peter and Saint Paul of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Many tourists from around the world come to see this grand event.
Macedonia is famous for its stews filled with vegetables. A typical dish is tavche gravche, made of navy beans boiled and then baked thoroughly in an oven. Another typical dish, ajvar, a paste made of paprika, is commonly made and served at local gatherings in autumn. It is the Macedonian way for women to prepare the main dish while men prepare the salad. The appetizer is a simple salad made with lots of vegetables and feta cheese, which is seasoned with salt and pepper. It is enjoyed together with the traditional liquor rakija.
Plenty of Friendly Exchanges with Japan!
Macedonia conducts special events related to Japan, such as a Japanese film festival and braided cord and natural dye workshops. Movies and animated films from Japan are particularly popular. Japanese martial arts, such as judo and karate, are also growing in popularity. |