Sending Out FY2019 National Health Insurance Premiums Notification/Invoices
Insurance premiums are the sum of the income-based amount that is levied according to income and the per-capita amount levied for each household NHI member. Premiums are calculated per household, and the head of the household is responsible for paying them. Premiums consisting of the income-based amount and the per-capita amount are determined depending on the medical treatment portion, the latter-term elderly support portion, and the Nursing Care Insurance premiums type 2 members of Nursing Care Insurance pay. Please pay the designated amount when you receive your health insurance premiums notification/invoice.
● Calculation Procedures
Medical treatment portion
(All members) |
Latter-term elderly support portion
(All members) |
Income-based amount |
① Standard leviable income* of all household insurance members × 7.25% |
③ Standard leviable income* of all household insurance members × 2.24% |
Per-capita amount |
② 39,900 yen × No. of insurance members in the household |
④ 12,300 yen × No. of insurance members in the household |
Total |
= ① + ②
(Maximum ceiling: 610,000 yen) |
= ③ + ④
(Maximum ceiling: 190,000 yen) |
+ |
Nursing Care Insurance premiums
(Members between 40 and 64 years of age) |
⑤ Standard leviable income*
of all household insurance members × 1.51% |
⑥ 15,600 yen × No. of insurance members in the household between 40 and 64 years of age |
= ⑤ + ⑥
(Maximum ceiling:
160,000 yen) |
* Standard leviable income = Total income and so on − ¥330,000 (basic deduction)
Annual insurance premium for a household |
Medical treatment portion |
+ |
Latter-term elderly support portion |
+ |
Nursing Care Insurance premiums |
● If You Have Not Filed an Income Report
Since health insurance premiums are calculated based on the member’s income, if you have not yet filed an income report, please do so as soon as possible with the municipal office administering your residence as of January 1.
Note: If you moved into Shinagawa City on or after January 2, the Shinagawa City Office will contact the municipal office administering your previous address to confirm the income you earned during the previous year as a reference for calculating your health insurance premiums.
● Possibility of Reduced Health Insurance Premiums
◇ Households whose total income earned during the previous year is below a designated standard
You may be able to reduce the per-capita amount you pay after your resident’s tax status is confirmed and automatically evaluated.
◇ If you become unemployed or your contract as a nonregular worker is terminated
If you are a general member (those up to sixty-four years of age) having employment insurance through the company you work for but become unemployed due to the company’s conditions, you can get your health insurance premiums reduced. You must file an application to receive the reduction.
● Payment Methods
◇ By invoice
The premiums for FY2019 will be announced in June, and will be divided into 10 installments to be paid from June through March 2020.
- Mid-June: Insurance premiums notification and 6 invoices (for June–October payments and a one-time advance payment for the entire year) will be sent in the middle of June.
- Mid-November: 5 invoices (for November 2019–March 2020 payments) will be sent in the middle of November.
Note: Households that pay via account debit will only receive notification of the premium amounts.
◇ Deducted from the pension (for those 65 years of age or older)
If you meet all of the following requirements, you must pay your health insurance premiums from your allotted pension.
1. The head of household is a National Health Insurance member
2. All the National Health Insurance members in the household are between 65 and 74 years of age
3. The head of the household’s annual pension amount is 180,000 yen or more
4. The household’s total of National Health Insurance premiums and Nursing Care Insurance premiums does not exceed half of the pension amount
Note: You may apply to have your premiums deducted from your financial account.
Inquiries: Qualification Subsection, National Health Insurance and Pension Section
(Tel: 03-5742-6676, Fax: 03-5742-6876)