Shinagawa Tourism Association Recommendations Vol. 5
Strolling through Shinagawa’s Former Tokaido: Tokai Shichifukujin Meguri (Visit the Tokai Seven Lucky Gods)
Japan has traditional events for driving away disasters and bringing in good luck. One of them is Shichifukujin Meguri (visiting the Seven Lucky Gods) which is a New Year’s traditional event. By visiting the seven gods to receive seven different types of happiness they each carry, you can attract a lot of happiness. In Shinagawa city, there are seven lucky gods in two districts, Tokai and Ebara. In this issue, we will describe the Tokai Seven Lucky Gods.
Shinagawa-jinja Shrine
This shrine enshrines the god of wealth and good fortune, Daikokuten.
The Ana-Inari-jinja Shrine, which is located within the property of this shrine, is a popular power spot for attracting financial good luck.
Location: 3-7-15 Kita-Shinagawa
Yoganji Temple
This temple enshrines the god of longevity and wealth, Hotei-son.
The wooden statues of the three Fudoson (Acala) and the bronze statue of the standing Amidanyorai (Amitabha Tathagata) are Shinagawa City Designated Cultural Properties.
Location: 2-3-12 Kita-Shinagawa
Isshinji Temple
This temple enshrines the god of longevity and prosperous business, Jurojin.
The well-tended garden is always sprinkled with uchi-mizu water and heals the heart of visitors.
Location: 2-4-18 Kita-Shinagawa
Ebara-jinja Shrine
This shrine enshrines the god of business prosperity, Ebisu.
The cold scarlet cherry blossoms which bloom in late January through early February announce the arrival of spring.
Location: 2-30-28 Kita-Shinagawa
Honsenji Temple
This temple enshrines the god that repels evil and attracts wealth, Bishamonten.
Within the temple grounds are a large temple bell called Yoko-gaeri no Kane (the bell that has been abroad) and a large gingko tree about 600 years of age.
Location: 3-5-17 Minami-Shinagawa
Tenso Suwa-jinja Shrine
This shrine enshrines the god of wealth, popularity and success in life, Fukurokuji. The kachi-mamori victory good luck charm, which symbolizes prayers to win a match or over oneself, is popular.
Location:1-4-1 Minami-Oi
Iwai-jinja Shrine
This shrine enshrines the god of wisdom, wealth and matchmaking, Benzaiten. Benzaiten holding a biwa (lute) is enshrined at Bentenjima within the premises of the shrine.
Location: 2-20-8 Omori-Kita, Ota-ku
Inquiries: Shinagawa Tourism Association (Tel: 03-5743-7642, Fax: 03-5743-7643)
Location: 1-14-1 Oi
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Note: The multi-language pamphlets are available. Please make use of them for strolling through the city.
Closed: Sundays, national holidays, and during the year-end/New Year’s holidays.