Shinagawa Tourism Association Recommendations Vol. 6
Strolling through Shinagawa’s Former Tokaido: Samezu to Tachiaigawa
There was once a Tosa clan villa near Tachiaigawa Station in Shinagawa. It is said that when Commodore Perry arrived, Sakamoto Ryoma went there as a part of Tosa clan to defend the area. In this issue, we introduce the Tachiaigawa area, which is closely connected with Sakamoto Ryoma.
Note: Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing while taking a stroll.
Tomb of Yamauchi Yodo
This is the final resting place of Yamauchi Yodo, the fifteenth feudal lord of the Tosa domain. Yamauchi significantly influenced the Shogunate administration as a pioneer of the Meiji Restoration. His tomb has an unusual shape, with its elements arranged in a large circular mound. This tomb is located in Oi Park.
Location: 4-8 Higashi-Oi (in Oi Park)
Access:A five-minute walk from Samezu Station on the Keikyu Line.
Hours:9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed during the yearend/New Year’s holidays.
Samezu Hachiman-jinja Shrine
Benten Pond is located on the left side of this shrine’s main hall. Mizu Shrine, Benten Shrine and other shrines such as Itsukushima Shrine and Inari Shrine are enshrined on Nakajima Island in the middle of the pond.
Location:1-20-10 Higashi-Oi
Access:A one-minute walk from Samezu Station on the Keikyu Line.
Shinagawa Hanakaido
Shinagawa Hanakaido (flower road) is a greening project started primarily by the local people in 2003. There are seasonal flowers such as cherry blossoms and canola flowers in spring and cosmos in autumn on the tide embankment, which stretches for about two kilometers.
Location:2 Higashi-Oi (the area along Katsushima Canal)
Access:A five-minute walk from Tachiaigawa Station on the Keikyu Line.
Hamakawa Battery
The Hamakawa battery in Shin-hamakawa Park is a replica of the cannon installed at the mouth of the Tachiaigawa River during the first years of the Ansei Era (1854-60). The 30-pound, 6-piece howitzer is a full-scale reproduction of one of the eight cannons that were part of this battery.
Location:2-26-18 Higashi-Oi (in Shin-hamakawa Park)
Access:A four-minute walk from Taichiaigawa Station on the Keikyu Line.
Sakamoto Ryoma Statue
This statue of Sakamoto shows him around the age of twenty when he was thought to have been in Tachiaigawa. A bronze statue like this is rare as Sakamoto wears sandals, not boots. This is the second Sakamoto statue following the statue that was donated by Kochi City in 2004.
Location:2-25-22 Higashi-Oi
Access:A two-minute walk from Tachiaigawa Station on the Keikyu Line.
Inquiries: Shinagawa Tourism Association (Tel: 03-5743-7642, Fax: 03-5743-7643)
Location: 1-14-1 Oi
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Note: The multi-language pamphlets are available. Please make use of them for strolling through the city.
Closed: Sundays, national holidays, and during the year-end/New Year’s holidays.