Sheltering-at-Home Recommendation (2)
The “Rolling Stock” Method (Circulating Supplies)!
The distribution of goods often becomes tough during a disaster, and there is a risk that we may not be able to buy the supplies we need at convenience stores and supermarkets. It is therefore smart to keep a good stock of essential foods and other things in case you have to shelter at home. In this issue, we will describe “rolling stock” (circulating supplies), a simple method of doing this that can make life much easier during a disaster.
“Rolling stock” (or stockpiling) is an expression used in Japan to describe a system of keeping food and other supplies at home that have a long shelf-life, consuming items that are close to their “use-by” dates, and then replenishing your supplies before they become low. This an easy way to store supplies that are essential in everyday life, and since you will be eating foods that you are used to it will also reduce stress during a disaster.
Although the ideal is to keep about a one-week supply of such goods, try to keep at least a three-days stock on hand. The guideline for drinking water is three liters per person per day. It is wise to keep in mind the combination of a staple (rice, bread or noodles), main dish (meat, fish, eggs, or legumes), and side dish (vegetables, seaweed or mushrooms) when stocking up.
Inquiries: Disaster Prevention Section (Shinagawa City Office Dai-ni Chosha 4F, Tel: 03-5742-6695, Fax: 03-3777-1181)

For more information on sheltering at home, please check here.