Sending out FY2024 National Health Insurance Premium Notification/Invoices
Your National Health Insurance premium notification for fiscal 2024—including five invoices for the months of June through October 2024 and one invoice for a lumpsum payment for the year—will be mailed in mid-June.
1. Only premium notification will be mailed to households paying their premiums via account debit. If you pay using the invoices, you will be mailed five more invoices for the months of November through March of next year in mid-November.
2. For more information on how your premiums are calculated, please read the “Konnichiwa Kokuho desu” bulletin enclosed in the mail.
● Calculation procedures
Medical benefit portion
(All members) |
Latter-term elderly support portion
(All members) |
+ |
Nursing Care Insurance premiums
(Members between 40 and 64 years of age) |
Income-based amount |
① Standard leviable income* of all household insurance members x 8.69% |
③ Standard leviable income* of all household insurance members x 2.80% |
⑤ Standard leviable income* of all household insurance members x 2.36% |
amount |
② 49,100 yen x No. of insurance members in the household |
② 16,500 yen x No. of insurance members in the household |
⑥ 16,500 yen x No. of insurance members in the household between 40 and 64 years of age |
Total |
(Maximum amount: 650,000 yen) |
(Maximum amount: 240,000 yen) |
(Maximum amount: 170,000 yen) |
* Standard leviable income = Total income and so on − 430,000 yen (basic deduction)
Annual insurance premium for a household |
Medical benefit portion for a household |
+ |
Latter-term elderly support portion |
+ |
Nursing Care Insurance premiums |
● Calculating NHI premiums
Your annual National Health Insurance premiums (April 2024 through March 2025) are calculated based on your total income for 2023. If you have not completed an income tax report for 2023, please file one with the municipal office administering your address as of January 1, 2024. Insurance premiums cannot be reduced if even one person in the household fails to file an income tax report even if the total income for all household members is low.
● New Shinagawa residents from January 2, 2024
The income you earned during 2023 at your previous address will be used as reference. If we do not receive a response from the municipal office administering your previous address before the premium calculation date, you will be charged the per-capita amount only. As soon as we receive a response concerning your income, your insurance premiums will be recalculated and we will notify you of the adjusted premiums by mail.
● Members of company health insurance plans up to age sixty-four
If you were dismissed from your job after March 31, 2021 and want to reduce your insurance premiums, you must apply for the reduction by presenting either an employment insurance eligibility certificate or a notification indicating that the reason for leaving was involuntary termination and other information.
● Heads of household aged 65 to 74
If you meet all of conditions 1) through 4), you must pay insurance premiums through a special collection from the pension you receive. However, if you would rather pay your premiums via account debit, this special collection from your pension can be stopped.
1) The head of household is a National Health Insurance member
2) All the National Health Insurance members in the household are between 65 and 74 years of age
3) The head of the household’s annual pension amount is 180,000 yen or more
4) The household’s total of National Health Insurance premiums and Nursing Care Insurance premiums does not exceed half of the pension amount
◉ Paying your National Health Insurance premiums via account debit is convenient.
Inquiries: Qualification Subsection, National Health Insurance and Pension Section (Tel: 03-5742-6676, Fax: 03-5742-6876)